
  • machine learning - applied statistics to estimate functions.
  • hyperparameters - parameters set outside the learning algorithm.
  • components of ML: optimization algorithm, cost function, model, dataset

Neural Networks

  • can compute an NAND gate, since NAND gates are universal computation building blocks
  • can compute any computation
  • learning algorithms tune weights and biases
  • logistic function = 1 / (1 + e^(-z)), z = dot_product(w, x) + b
  • feedforward nets, no loops
  • recurrent nets, feedback loops with neurons active for limited duration
  • objective function, commonly is mean squared error
  • gradient descent used to solve minimization function
  • softmax and log likelihood => outputs probability distribution
  • validation data helps find good hyperparameters
  • regularization, so network prefers to learn smaller weights, helps prevent overfitting
  • regularized networks generalize better
  • dropout, disable portion of neurons during run, equivalent to running multiple networks
  • hyperparameters - learning rate, L2 reg, mini batch size
  • grid search, automatic hyperparameter optimization
  • deep learning
    • convolution layers
    • dropout layers for regularization
    • rectified linear units instead of sigmoid
    • uses GPU
    • generate more training samples to improve generality
  • deep belief network - generative model, runs the network backwards, generating inputs